Hi, my blog is a record of our year(ish) long tour of Europe, an idea sprung on me by my husband last year. A word of warning to anyone reading this who doesn't know me, I have an inability to use one word when a hundred will do, in fact this blog is the antithesis of Twitter! It also includes EXTENSIVE use of the words beautiful, pretty, nice, gorgeous, tasty, lovely and wonderful amongst others! I'll attempt to use some different words occasionally to ring the changes.
What more could you want from life…….
unexpected ice cream is the best.
I wonder what this is.
Cute teddy seat by the harbour.
View across the bay to our van.
Dunes beside our van.
View across the bay from the top of the dunes.
We’re so lucky to have come to such a peaceful location.
It’s been such a wonderful day.
Gis a kiss.
We could see the young lad cajoling the young girl to brave the icy water, looks like he succeeded!
Nearby village of Hornbaek.
Ooh! Spiderman. We’ve seen so many pretty lorries on our trip.