Hi, my blog is a record of our year(ish) long tour of Europe, an idea sprung on me by my husband last year. A word of warning to anyone reading this who doesn't know me, I have an inability to use one word when a hundred will do, in fact this blog is the antithesis of Twitter! It also includes EXTENSIVE use of the words beautiful, pretty, nice, gorgeous, tasty, lovely and wonderful amongst others! I'll attempt to use some different words occasionally to ring the changes.
Cannis Folk Park
The nice man who invited us on the ride.
Throwing the hammer.
Smelling paint stripper nearly blew my head off!
Matching up nuts and bolts.
Braving the elements I finally took my coat off.
A new experience for us, being the first people to arrive at a festival!
The packed venue!
Is the venue down here? Nope!
Follow that American car he might know where it is!