3rd August 2016. Kjerknesvågen Kai, Norway.
We were aiming to go to Trondheim today, we were hoping that we would be in the satellite area again so that we were reconnected to the internet again, however at breakfast we changed that plan, we decided to go to Inderøy instead, as a stopover, and travel on to Trondheim tomorrow. We had a lovely time watching all the little birds hopping around the van as we ate breakfast.
I went for a paddle down on the beach before we left, I had expected the water to be cold but it wasn’t.
We left the ställplats but didn’t get far before we were taught a new lesson in motorhoming! We now know that when you take a jar out of the cupboard you need to pack the space with something or all the other jars will roll around the cupboard making an horrendous din!
On the journey we saw a turntable for a train. I’ve only ever seen the Brio version in our children’s wooden train set. We stopped after about an hour to take a photo of a sign over the road that said Trøndelag, on the other side it said Nord.
We bought ice cream and sat in the sun eating it, we’d put coats on to leave the van but it was beautifully warm outside so we looked like complete idiots. A couple of hours later we stopped for lunch as it was nearly 4 pm!
We were pleased to see a pull in today just past a dam, the dam was hidden from sight but the river looked pretty in the distance. It’s very strange there are some beautiful sights but if there is a lay-by nearby it usually has the view obscured by trees. That sounds very whiny but we’ve driven past so many amazing views, we drove down a turn off yesterday, as it headed down to the stunning fjord we were passing, but although we drove along the road for ages there was absolutely nowhere to stop and look at it.
It poured with rain on part of the journey and as we were driving along one stretch of road we noticed a lorry pulling a lorry sized trailer parked hard up against the hedge line, as we went past I noticed the driver on his mobile phone and then realised that he wasn’t parked he had actually come off the road and was stuck in a ditch! It must have been an interesting job getting it back on the road and as it’s the main road through it must have caused a bit of a tail back in the process.
We arrived at a tiny harbour, called Kjerknesvågen kai and drove up to where the only other motorhome was parked. The lady sitting outside her van started waving her hand around, it looked like she was swatting flies but it turned out she was telling us to go away! Her husband came over and I asked him if this was the place for camping and he told us it wasn’t, we needed to reverse and there was a place behind the houses.
I assumed he meant there was a road that we’d missed that would take us to the campsite so I had a walk round and found a space just big enough for our van to fit in between some huts. The view was stupendous so I waved Darren over and he managed to squeeze the van in.
It was a much nicer place than the area the other van had parked, it was very secluded and the van was only two metres across the grass to the shingle beach. They, however, were right next to the restaurant. To make it even better, the electricity hook up didn’t work so we got a discount, which was an added bonus because we didn’t actually need electricity.
When we walked round later to pay at the shop we noticed that they’d moved their van over so that no one else could park there even though there was room for two vans. I smiled and thanked them when we went past. I imagine it must have been annoying to have a van arrive with the potential to spoil their view, that is probably why they were so snaky when we disturbed them. They were very smiley after I thanked them.
Another van arrived later and they had to park in the car park with no view at all so I’m glad we got here when we did. We noticed something unusual to us, across the bay we could see a red sky as the sun was setting (it was 22.58) but we could also see house lights twinkling, we haven’t seen lights on in an evening since we were halfway up Sweden. It still wasn’t completely dark but I’m sure as we travel further down the country the nights will get darker and we will finally start to feel tired at bedtime.