5th June 2016. Ystad and Gislövshammar, Sweden.

By the time we’d got up everyone had left, we really do need to start getting up much earlier!  I went and paddled in the sea, it was a rather torturous route over large rocks to get to it but I persevered although I kept expecting to fall in.

When I came back we packed up and drove to our next stop via Ystad, a lovely harbour town.

We had trouble parking so we’d parked outside the car park on the road with a van and a car and hoped that we weren’t going to return to a parking ticket or wheel clamp.

We had to cross the railway line to get into the town and as we left the van (and when we returned) we managed to get a train passing through.  They were very new looking trains although just like ours at home the first one that passed had graffiti painted along the side of it.

As normal we were so late that the cafes had stopped serving lunch so ours consisted of coffee and cake which we had sitting at a table outside the cafe overlooking the pretty town square, that was the first time on this trip that I felt like we were on holiday, it was a great feeling.

Afterwards we had a wander round the tiny lanes with their pretty buildings and after hopping back into the ‘clamp free’ van we carried on to the ställplats we were going to be staying at.

We drove through beautiful countryside to a field just outside a hamlet called Gislövshammar.

It was stunningly beautiful, we drove to the top of the field up quite a long hill where another van was parked on the far side.  From where we were parked we looked out over a cornfield to the sea and a tiny harbour in the distance.

We thought we could also see some sheep in the field opposite us but when we looked at them through the binoculars it turned out it was actually a herd of white cows!

We were intrigued to watch some men walking along each carrying something almost as big as them on their backs, when I zoomed in with my camera they were actually carrying inflatable boats on their backs and were carrying fishing rods.


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