23rd April 2017. Lillebælts, Denmark.
Yesterday I remembered we had the Dream Routes book, luckily there was a Danish route so we’re going to use that as a rough guide for our trip around Denmark. First stop today was going to be Vejle and then possibly Fredericia but the most important job for today was to find a bank.
The cash machine turned out to be in an ENORMOUS shopping centre. Darren went in to find it but eventually gave up and asked a lady who was serving on a food counter whether she spoke English, luckily she did and she directed him to the far side of the centre. He was gone for ages but he did come back with the much needed currency.
We drove through some pretty countryside where we saw a windmill with a little modern windmill attached to the back of it, we also saw a glass pyramid, we weren’t expecting to see one of those in Denmark! Then we hurtled back in time when we stopped at the traffic lights where the car in front of us had a brown ‘nodding dog’ stuck to the back ledge. We haven’t seen one of those in years.
We stopped at a motorhome dealer to empty and fill the van, Darren was chatting to the lady in the shop and she told him that we could empty grey water and refill the water tank at any petrol stations, what a superb country! Poor Darren had a run in with the toilet cassette and it bit him again. Recently it’s started sticking in the cubby hole and this time it pinched his finger and made it bleed. Apparently when he’d wagged his finger outside the window he was asking me for a plaster only I didn’t twig until he came in looking all dejected with a bloody piece of kitchen roll wrapped round his finger and asked me why I hadn’t found him a plaster, poor thing.
We decided that Vejle looked like a big city so we drove to a car park next to the fjord, of course our SAT NAV couldn’t resist taking us down the tiny windy lane through the woods instead of sticking to the main road but it was a pretty route.
We sat outside a little kiosk and ordered some food, price wise it was halfway between Swedish and Norwegian pricing which is a bad thing, we will have to limit eating out here. I popped back to the van for extra coats, it was so cold when the wind blew. We’re not as hardy as the two families that came for ice cream.
After we’d eaten we went for a walk out on to the jetty, aaaaargh, VERY cold. We weren’t out there very long, we walked back along the beach where it was more sheltered from the wind, much warmer.
We travelled on from there to a stop beside (at the bottom of) a huge bridge across some water in Lillebaelts near Fredericia.
WOW! What a beautiful view, this is the Scandinavia we know and love. Another motorhome turned up just as we were parking but left after they’d had their lunch. We’ve only seen two motorhomes today.
We didn’t do much once we’d parked except have a short walk where we saw a fisherman standing in the sea (he must have been frozen) and across the car park from us we came across a memorial to a crew of a Lancaster bomber.
We spent the rest of the afternoon in the warmth of our van working and watching other fishermen coming and going in their boats, I was lucky to see a seagull catch a wriggly thing an eel possibly? This must have been the area for wriggly things because a cormorant spent a long time diving underneath the water in front of the van. We also saw what looked like a homemade dredger, it was a boat with a digger on the top of it.
It was lovely and warm when the sun was out but the moment it went behind a cloud it was very cold but the view was well worth it.