2nd July 2016. Ekna, Rottne, Sweden.

It poured with rain for most of the day, Darren worked.

I was pleased that it was raining because I’d already decided that I needed to cook up all the food that had been in the fridge so I spent a large part of the day preparing and cooking meals to put in the freezer, except for the time I spent washing the van in the downpour!

Darren had recently read a tip by a motorhomer, on a motorhome forum, apparently he makes use of a heavy down pour to wash his motorhome.

That seemed quite a sensible idea, considering how hard it had been trying to wash the van with a bucket of water when we were in Zwolle, so I put my waterproof coat on and got my squeegee and mop out and had a go at cleaning the van.  It worked quite well although I could have done with it raining for about half an hour longer to get it spotless.

Nevertheless I was very happy with the end result and when Darren and I had bagged up the food I spent some time editing some of my photos.

The sun came out in the evening and we went for a cycle round the other side of the ställplats, it was beautiful seeing the sun sparkling on the blue water.

When we got back to the van we saw a hare wander nonchalantly down the lane.

It’s amazing I’d only ever seen three hares in the UK, in fact our friend Shirley took us out for an evening walk last year in the hope we’d see some of the hares that she often saw on her evening bike rides because I desperately wanted to see some and we’ve now discovered that in Sweden they’re ‘ten a penny’.  Fantastic!


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